Monday, June 6, 2011

What Up?

I find that phrase incredibly amusing, not sure why.

Ever wake up on a Monday morning and think, "Wow, I wish it were the weekend.  I am so tired!" ???  That is me, most Mondays.  I try to pack a lot into most weekends ... until I hit that wall (once a month, once every 6 weeks) when I say ENOUGH and refuse to schedule anything or make any plans for the weekend.  That use to be a lot more common, pre-kiddo.  Once your kid(s) starts doing things, your free time rapidly diminishes. 

So here is a little bit of What Up with me, in no particular order of occurrence or importance (Ha!  Importance!) ...

I saw Bridesmaids with a friend last weekend.  IT.  ROCKED.  We laughed so hard.  The entire audience laughed non-stop, all the men (there were many) included.  Melissa McCarthy was so good in it ... you know Melissa  from Mike & Molly, Gilmore Girls, Life As We Know It and The Backup Plan.  Love.  Her.  Fabulous film, go see it!

I've read some great books recently.  I already shared my thoughts on Don't Breathe A Word ... still thinking about it, that is a very good book, people.  In addition I read Love Letters by Katie Fforde (British chiklit) and Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn (romance).  Both very light, very fun, summer reads. 

I'm mostly done with my yard work.  Every spring/summer our yard work is overwhelming.  Lots of leaf pick-up, flowerbed cleaning-out, tree and shrub trimming.  I finally assembled my patio and filled our annual planters.  Things are looking very nice, let's hope it lasts for a while ... that nasty August heat will eventually come along and zap everything of its green.  Gee, aren't I a 'glass is half empty' gal today?  I have a garden bench that desperately needs painting ... then I might actually call it good.

We switched gyms recently.  I wanted to walk up to the desk and say, "I wanna quit the gym", but was afraid nobody would get my 1998 Friends Humor and I would just look/sound like a moron.  Anywhoo ... we decided to fork-out the extra $ and upgrade to a nicer health club that is closer to our house and offers much more than our current 'no frills' place.  Bonus that my good friend works and works-out there and I can make fitness a social event.  Score!

Finally, I gave my self a wonderful pedi last night and my tootsies are now a bright tangerine!  Nothing makes me smile like a brightly painted set of toes and a freshly pumiced heel!

Happy Summer!

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