Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm Alive!

Just in case you were wondering.  Still a kickin' it.

Oye!  Summer!  So, it has been crazy here in Colorado ... the whole state has basically been on fire ... not good.  Very scary, indeed, as one fire was nostsofar away and although our neighborhood was only affected by the smoke, we know several people that were evacuated and unfortunately a few that lost homes.  How is that for perspective?  You know my shabby 1980s carpet that I gripe about from time to time?  Yeah, notsucha big deal, after all.  This weekend's forecast calls for rain and much cooler temperatures ... PLEASE LORD!

I mentioned the smoke, wowzers the smoke!  So bad for many days.  Bubby was playing summer baseball with city rec as he has done for the past few summers but most of the games and practices were cancelled early on.  Once the smoke improved somewhat, though, baseball resumed.  Not for us.  Hubby and I made the call to pull him out for the rest of the season.  That was a hard one for us ... basically because we don't like to quit anything (ourselves) and we are cheap!  If we pay for something, we want our money's worth ... like paying for a gym membership and never going ... I don't get it.  Cheap.  Cheap.  Is that a bird I hear?  Anyway, turned out to be a fabulous decision once we made it.  Bubby spends his summer days at various sports camps as it is, so why do we feel the need to torture the poor kid with more practices, games and extreme heat?  Then there is what his playing does to our lives ... turns summer evenings into a rat race and then BAM, summer's over and we're back to the school year rat race.  Lesson Learned ... one good thing that the near apocalyptic looking clouds of destruction gave us. 

Work is starting to simmer down and we've checked several events off the calendar, so here's to a relaxing rest of the summer.  Wish us luck.  I was sitting at the pool yesterday, chatting with a friend and she asked me about Book Club.  I hadn't told her that I decided a while back to take a hiatus from Book Club ... a big decision for me as that group of gals had really been my anchor for roughly 5 years ... hope to get back in the swing of it this fall.  My friend at the pool said that she has a Moms Group that she gets together with monthly but that they decided early on to take the summer months off each year.  So maybe I'm not alone in feeling like some kind of break and change in schedule is necessary during the summer months ... even for moms that work outside of the home.  No, I can't be home with Bubby during the summer days like my mom was with me and my sisters, but maybe I can let other things chill in future years, knowing that those things will be there in September ...  maybe!

Quote from my Honest Ade this morning ...

Always accept good fortune with grace and humility. 

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