Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Low Brain Power

My battery is running low today, might be the weather ... we're set for snow (?) here in Northern Colorado by tomorrow.  I'd really like to be home with some hot cider and a good book right now, oh and my blue Snuggie that my guys bought me as a joke ... joke's on them as I keep threatening to take it to sporting events and movie theaters.  No.  Joke.  Anyway, here goes some mindlessness ...

Have you read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn yet?  If not, you better crawl out from under that rock and go get it.  Seriously, stop reading this crap and go find the book.  You will not be sorry.  Even if you don't like it, you will be unable to put it down ... it is that good.  It is a story of a really dysfunctional marriage and it is brilliant and completely f-ed up all at once.  Good Stuff.

Gillian Flynn has one twisted imagination, I want her to be my new bff!

Fall always brings out my (limited) domestic side.  Mostly I just like to make my house look like a pumpkin patch/craft fair blew chunks all over it and bake with pumpkin.  I made the BEST brownies this weekend by adding a can of pumpkin to a box of brownie mix ... I left out the oil and eggs but used the water the box called for.  WOW!  I know, really impressive, right?  I can open a box and a can!  Hold your applause, please.

This is the best canned pumpkin, IMO!
I'm contemplating leaving my husband and son for life as a 40 year old groupie.  What do you think?  See I've been listening to this CD non-stop and I really do love these guys ...

This is their second album (is that the word anymore?) and I do believe that it is even better than their first!
That's about all I have for today, really life has been a grand compilation of leaf raking, soccer game watching, pumpkin baking, crock pot cooking, crazy-good book reading and some really good boxed wine drinking around these parts!  Loving.  It.

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